Publishing an Inkpad note to your custom website domain


Quickly and easily publish an Inkpad note to your own custom website domain (like Once you have published the note, anyone who visits your website will see the content of that note.

How it works

  1. Open your note in Inkpad.
  2. Select "Share" and then "Publish" at the top of the note.
  3. Enter the domain name you own, e.g. (if you don't own one yet, you will need to purchase one from a domain registrar).
  4. You will see a list of records you need to add to your domain's DNS settings. Sign into your domain registrar (the company you purchased the domain from) and create each of those records in the domain's DNS settings.
  5. In Inkpad, select "Verify" after adding the DNS records.

Presto bango, your note is now available at your website domain on the web!